
Step 5: Writing the First Draft

Page history last edited by Kay Teehan 15 years, 2 months ago

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Step 5: Writing Your First Draft


  • First draft is to focus on content, do not worry about mechanics, yet.

  • Your goal is 3-5 pages typed in a standard, size 12 font.

  • Sort notecards by the numbers and main ideas from your outline.

  • Keep your outline in front of you while you write to keep you on track.

  • Write each section of the main body from the cards about that section.

  • Stop and insert citationsfor every quote, fact, or statistic that is not your own words or your own ideas.

  • Once again, AVOID PLAGIARISM! This is an automatic failure.

  • Be sure each paragraph is focused on one main idea.

  • Go back and insert an introduction and conclusion after reviewing your main body.
  • Reread for logic and flow of ideas. 

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